The PronouncedK9 On-Line Training Club is now accepting members! If you have been thinking about joining, now is the time. Registration will close on June 15, so don’t hesitate if you want to get in on our initial membership drive.
If you have been following us, you know that this online training club has been years in the making. Our goal has always been the same: to create the first, interactive online resource for bitework and protection dog training. We wanted to create a virtual experience similar to being at your local Schutzhund training group, except that it is available 24/7 from the comfort of your own home. Coming up with the best way to do this has been challenging, but we think we have a setup that will not only teach but encourage interaction between members and with the PronouncedK9 Trainers.
This club is designed to teach anyone – helpers, trainers, and handlers – everything about training a protection dog. We have developed a step-by-step training method that works on every breed and type of dog. When done correctly, the PronouncedK9 method creates a fundamentally-sound dog that can be successful in Schutzhund/IPO, police or military work, or family or executive protection.
Is this club for me? Who can benefit from joining the club?
- Anyone interested in the art of bitework training
- Novice handlers or helpers – this is a great place to start!
- Training helpers who have questions about some of the dogs they work or who just want another resource
- Trial helpers looking to advance to the next level – the instructors on this site will teach you how they did it
- Experienced helpers and trainers who have all the knowledge but who are looking for a better way to teach others – our clear, step-by-step process is already laid out for you
- Handlers and competitors who want more control over their own training program – we can provide you with the knowledge you need to understand what is best for your dog
If I become a Member, what can I expect to learn?
- Everything you need to know about training a protection dog. We know this sounds extreme, but we mean what we say. Our goal is to provide our members with all the knowledge they need to train a solid bitework dog.
- How to read the dog
- The four drive types and how each one thinks differently
- How to identify each dog’s lead drive
- The 10 key steps every bitework dog must learn
- How to lead each type of dog through the 10 key steps
- How to use the lead drive to create balance
- Stimulations, pressures, and rewards for each type
- The mitigating factors – nerves, thresholds
- Helper mechanics – drives, lock-ups, sleeve presentation, catches, etc.
- Problem solving
Memberships are available by the month, or save money by joining for 6 months or 1 year. Click here to join today! Remember: registration is limited and the cutoff date is June 15, 2015. We look forward to seeing you on the Member’s Forum!